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Leicester: the New Capital of Molowaku Island (text)

21 January 2009, Wednesday

Molowaku Island has collapsed recently due to several disasters that have invaded the country, including a corrupt government based on greed, a sudden revolt of the elite, and an underground volcanic eruption that washed out many townships on the islands. But, with that collapse, former President Liloane Watanaki has assured the people that “nothing, even natural disasters, can shake our hearts. If we can go through all of these issues we are facing today in a positive manner, I can tell you that change can happen. It may take time, but, I believe that change will come.”

Political Shift

Due to Watanaki’s old age (being age 82), he has retired from his post as the President of Molowaku Island on December 24, 1808 and has been replaced by a younger, more vibrant leader named Ulysses Moakane, a former orange grove planter from the town of Paseo del Mar. At the age of 43 and a graduate of BS Political Science at the Ocean View State University, Moanake has served as the Mayor of Paseo del Mar for 4 years before electing himself as a senator of the Oahu Region before reigning in as the President of Molowaku Island. When he saw the old capital of Ocean View in ruins on January 12, 1809 due to a huge underground volcanic eruption, he said that people must keep themselves strong because “we know we can rebuild our nation — even though that Ocean View has been grounded down to rubble, we can always find new ways to strengthen our beliefs to make our nation a better one.”

The City

The City of Leicester, which was once Ocean View and parts of Paseo del Mar, is now a huge city that has been considered one of the great places to live in due to its vivancy. So far, with over 450,000 people living in it, Leicester can boast a lot of modern conveniences over its short history, including:

– Three modern stadiums (Wright Brothers Memorial Field, Lemuel Jackson Stadium, and the Cannery Stadium)
– Several freeways and expressways connecting the city
– Five subway lines with nearly 50 stations (with 5 more lines under construction and 5 planned lines, aiming to complete at least 200 stations)
– A comprehensive all-day, everyday bus service, interlinking the city
– A strikingly modern downtown, complete with a new City Hall, stylish Opera House, and sweeping lake views
– An immense Fisherman’s Wharf, complete with 12 docks for boats and yachts
– Hoffman Industrial Park, the largest industrial park in the Oahu Region, serving thousands of workers per day
– Several colleges and universities, including the University of Leicester, the largest university in land area
– Coming soon: an all-cargo airport to complement the freight trucks serving the Hoffman Industrial Park area
– The new home of MoloNetwork and all other corporations that were damaged from the underground volcanic eruption (see Ocean View)
– Several trails and walkways around Lake Merritt and Lake Rivera

Pictures will be shown when downloaded from my laptop soon.

From → Journals, SimCity 4

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